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Publications from Radon Lab Members




Publications Related to Radon Issues

Alavanja, M. C., Lubin, J. H., Mahaffey, J. A., & Brownson, R. C. (1999). Residential Radon Exposure and risk of lung cancer in Missouri.American Journal of Public Health, 89(7), 1042–1048.

Butler, K. M., Huntington-Moskos, L., Rayens, M. K., Wiggins, A. T., & Hahn, E. J. (2018). Perceived synergistic risk for lung cancer after environmental report-back study on home exposure to tobacco smoke and Radon. American Journal of Health Promotion, 33(4), 597–600.

Conrath, S. M., & Pawel, D. J. (2013). Lung cancer efforts need stronger emphasis on reducing radon exposure.American Journal of Public Health, 103(9).

Ford, E. S., Kelly, A. E., Teutsch, S. M., Thacker, S. B., & Garbe, P. L. (1999). Radon and lung cancer: A cost-effectiveness analysis.American Journal of Public Health, 89(3), 351–357.

Jones, K. (2015). Evaluation of Radon Outreach Programming in Chaffee and park counties, Colorado.Journal of Extension, 53(5).

Kerr, R. A. (1988). Indoor radon: The deadliest pollutant. Science, 240(4852), 606–608.

Lantz, P. M., Mendez, D., & Philbert, M. A. (2013). Radon, smoking, and lung cancer: The need to refocus Radon Control Policy.American Journal of Public Health, 103(3), 443–447.

Martin, K., Ryan, R., Delaney, T., Kaminsky, D. A., Neary, S. J., Witt, E. E., Lambert-Fliszar, F., Remy, K., Sanford, S., Grenoble, K., & Carney, J. K. (2020). Radon from the ground into our schools: Parent and guardian awareness of Radon.SAGE Open, 10(1), 215824402091454.

Mendez, D., Warner, K. E., & Courant, P. N. (1998). Effects of radon mitigation vs smoking cessation in reducing radon-related risk of lung cancer.American Journal of Public Health, 88(5), 811–812.

Neuberger, J. S., Pierce, J. T., & Laim, S. M. (1997). Cancer cluster investigation in a school district.Journal of School Health, 67(9), 380–383.

Nicholls, G. (1999). The ebb and flow of radon.American Journal of Public Health, 89(7), 993–995.

Ou, J. Y., Ramsay, J. M., Lee, G., VanDerslice, J. A., Taddie, M., Kirchhoff, A. C., Divver, E., Akerley, W., Kepka, D., & Hanson, H. A. (2023). Patterns of indoor radon concentrations, radon-hazard potential, and radon testing on a small geographic scale in Utah. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 256, 107046.

Radon exposure: A hazard to children. (1989). Pediatrics, 83(5), 799–802.

Roscoe, R. J., Deddens, J. A., Salvan, A., & Schnorr, T. M. (1995). Mortality among Navajo uranium miners.American Journal of Public Health, 85(4), 535–540.

Warner, K. E., Mendez, D., & Courant, P. N. (1996). Toward a more realistic appraisal of the lung cancer risk from radon: The effects of residential mobility.American Journal of Public Health, 86(9), 1222–1227.

Last Updated: 8/3/23